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5 Weight loss tips with minimum effort

We all want to lose weight because food is too good. Every weight-loss strategy you find says things like "cut carbs out of your diet," or "eliminate sugar from your meals." Well, I don't know about you but I'm not ready to throw my whole pantry in the garbage (it wouldn't even fit in there). So here are some small tricks that will help you burn those calories without changing your entire lifestyle. 

  • Make H2O your BFF

Let's start with an easy one. Drinking water is easy as...well, drinking water. It helps boost your metabolism and helps carry waste out of the body. Also, it stops your body from retaining water because your body learns your habits. Your body realizes that it has access to an overabundance of water and stops retaining so much water. This helps you drop a few pounds of water weight. 

  • Downsize your plate

It's time to trick your brain. Using smaller plates make the plate look full even with a small amount of food, thus tricking your brain into thinking you have eaten more than you actually have.

  • Drink coffee or green tea or both

Both coffee and green tea have loads of antioxidants and a bunch of other health benefits on top of that. The caffeine in both drinks helps burn fat in your body and keeps you awake.

  • Eat more eggs

Those Chik-fil-A cows know what they are talking about. Eat more chicken and eggs if you can. Chickens are sometimes hard to cook and easy to leave in the fridge for too long. Eggs are easier to cook and easy to store. Eating eggs not only helps you feel full but helps you eat fewer carbs and it's a wonderful source of protein. 

  • Go get yourself some snacks!

"I thought we are talking about losing weight?" <--- Is this what you are thinking? Let's be honest. We are not gonna stop eating snacks. So let's have better snacks readily accessible. If you have assorted nuts conveniently placed in your desk drawer while you work, you are less likely to take a trip to the vending machine and get a Poptart.   

Some of us don't have the luxury of completely changing our lifestyle over night. However, with even the smallest changes, you can see good results. Study shows dieting can cause stress and binge eating. Don't diet anymore. Just make small changes and make it into a habit. Baby steps!